Treatment For Toenail Fungus – What Really Works?

take while

If you look up nail fungus cures on the internet, you will probably find many false hopes such as home remedies and non-prescription drugs that make all sorts of promises. Sadly, in the end most will not get rid of the problem. Nail fungus is not like a disease or bacteria that you can just kill by putting some kind of ointment on it. Actually, it feeds off the bloodstream underneath your nail so this is why it can prove to be a difficult task.

The famous prescribed Lamisil pill does just that but you have to go to the doctor. It goes into your bloodstream, the fungus feeds off it, and eventually it dies. I say eventually because it can take a while, but we will touch on that in a bit. There is also laser removal that you can get done, but you are also going to pay a hefty price for a procedure like this.

With that said, how can you cure the problem without having to go to the doctor and getting a prescription or without having to spend a lot of money? Well, there is a new product out that has been working on around 85% of people who have used it. It also works through the bloodstream and also comes with an ointment that helps the process go a little quicker. Now, if you don’t know anything about a treatment for toenail fungus then let me enlighten you a bit on how and why it can take a while.

into your

It can take up to a full year for a new nail to completely grow. What happens is when you take Lamisil, or this new product, it will take a week or so to get into your system and it will prevent the fungus from staying alive. The end result is the fungus goes away after you grow a whole new toenail. Now, does this take a year? No, normally it takes around 5 to 6 months. This is true with the new product and with the prescribed medication.

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Massage and Stress Relief

stress relief

Few people need to be convinced of why and how massages are relaxing, so in this article, you’ll see just how much of a difference massage therapy can make and how to incorporate a massage routine into your stress relief agenda. According to the American Massage Therapy Association, in 2006, 39 million Americans, or one in six, received at least one professional massage. Clearly, Americans are seriously interested in stress relief as well as the many other benefits of massage.

The Mayo Clinic identifies massage as a valid medical method to reduce stress and pain and reports, “Massage reduced anxiety in depressed children and anorexic women. It also reduced anxiety and withdrawal symptoms in adults trying to quit smoking.” The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry conducted a study that concluded, “Massage therapy had immediate beneficial effects on anxiety-related measures.”The Franklin Institute reports, “Massage releases endorphins that calm the peripheral nervous system.” The PsychoOncology Journal in 2008 reported that, “Massage in patients undergoing intensive chemotherapy reduces serum cortisol (stress hormone) and prolactin…A significant reduction in cortisol could be safely achieved through massage, with associated improvement in psychological well-being.”

To incorporate massage into your stress relief routine, you can see if your insurance plan at work covers massage treatments under some type of physical therapy clause. Often insurance programs like this will allow you a set number of “covered” (i.e. free) massages per year which you can use all at once or stretch over the course of the year. Another option is getting a massage membership. For example, the company Massage Envy located throughout the United States offers a monthly membership plan starting around $50. They allow you to “roll over” un-used massages and add on family members for a reasonable fee. Another affordable option is to find a massage school nearby and find out how you can get a discounted massage from a student. All of these options will ensure that the price of a massage doesn’t add to your stress or anxiety.

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